Thermage is completely non-invasive: it does not require surgeries or injections.
A single session reaffirms existing collagen and stimulates the growth of new collagen.
Improvements are observed immediately and continue to appear up to six months. Results can last for years.

“Thermage is a safe and clinically proven way to firm and contour the skin, achieving improvements in tone, contour and texture in a natural way through the stimulation of its own collagen”

How Thermage works

Thermage works on all skin types and tones. And unlike injections or fillers, Thermage works on the entire face: forehead, eyes, folds of the nose and lips, jaw lines, and the area under your chin.


Age: 35 or 60 years who have the best results and also the most predictable.


Normally the entire procedure can be performed in a single session lasting from about 20 minutes to about 2 hours, depending on the area to be treated.
General anesthesia is not required, but to ensure that you feel comfortable, the Your doctor may offer light pain relievers before treatment.


Until recently, the FDA authorized its use for cosmetic purposes, although it has been applied for more than seventeen years in other countries such as Brazil. It is the cosmetic procedure that I apply the most to my patients for more than fifteen years.
It is one of the great allies of women against premature aging.

“Toxins act at the level of the muscles of facial expression, completely blocking muscle contraction.”

How Botulinum Toxin works

Toxins act at the level of the muscles of facial expression, completely blocking muscle contraction. This produces a face with a more youthful expression. Xeomen, Botox or Dysport also decrease sweat production, they are used in patients with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). In addition, due to the muscle relaxation they produce, they tend to improve or eliminate migraine episodes.


Age: between 30 and 60 years of age, although there are some who apply it from 18 years of age, in order to make a preventive treatment against the appearance of wrinkles.


El efecto que logra al elevar las cejas y reducir las arrugas de la frente, es parecido al de un lifting de la frente.
Las áreas en las que más aplico el botox son: en el entrecejo, frente y las patas de gallo.
También logra mejorar las arrugas alrededor de los labios y aminora la apariencia de esas molestas bandas musculares que algunas mujeres presentan en el cuello. Su aplicación es rápida, sencilla e indolora. El procedimiento tarda sólo 10 minutos.


Determined to put an end to this situation, there are countless non-surgical options on the market to eliminate wrinkles. What is the best, safest and most effective?


“He has been thinking about it for a long time and is finally looking for a way to deal with those wrinkles that bother him so much. However, he does not accept plastic surgery because he is still too young, or because he feels a certain fear about the procedures surgical. “


Collagen is a protein that is an essential part of the skin. Zyderm and Zyplast are two types of injectable collagen that are extracted from purified bovine skin. They are used to eliminate wrinkles and lines of facial expression. Due to their animal origin, they carry the risk of an allergic reaction, so they require a previous test.


Fat injections give volume to the lips, fill in lines of facial expression. Fat is obtained from a part of the body and injected under the skin to be corrected.
Unlike collagen, it is not capable of generating an allergic reaction, since it obtained from the patient’s own body.

Hyaluronic acid

It is naturally present in organisms. It is a component of human tissues, including the skin. It is a polysaccharide produced by the skin, which helps regulate and maintain its hydration. It is commercially known as Perlane, Restane and Reviderm.

Artecoll and Radiance

The Artecoll is a permanent micro filling implant. It is composed of 75% collagen and 25% polymethylmethacrylate microspheres. It is currently used in Europe, Canada, and Mexico. It is a permanent material because the microspheres are not absorbed. Radiance (bioform) is made up of calcium hydroxylapatite crystals. It is a component of the bones of the human body.

New Fill

This is a sterile, synthetic polymer derived from polylactic acid. It is a lyophilized hydrogel, it is mixed with water at the time of implantation. It has been used for three decades in suture threads, orthopedic and maxillofacial implants and skin cultures in burns. Its use on the face, for the treatment of wrinkles, has been done for three years in Australia and France mainly. The skin reacts for 2-3 weeks creating a fibrosis at the site of the application that returns a restructuring of the skin. These fillers are indicated in patients who prefer natural products with long-lasting but not permanent effects.


Hyaluronic acid is produced by controlled bacterial fermentation in laboratories. It is a component of the dense connective tissue of our body, which means that it is biodegradable making it safer and more reliable for its application.

“Hyaluronic acid is a nose filler that has been on the market for more than 20 years. It has proven to be safe and reliable since its results are very predictable. It is used to reduce wrinkles and folds of the smile or the eyes sunk “.


  • High-density hyaluronic acid:
    To increase the chin and cheekbones

  • Fine filling and lower density:
    For the treatment of the smallest wrinkles


Physically healthy men and women.


It is performed in the office and does not cause pain.
It is a procedure that lasts 15 minutes or less depending on the areas to be treated.