It is a procedure aimed at removing fat deposits.

“It is the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in the world. Of all the plastic surgeries performed, liposuction represents half of the cases”.

Types of Liposculpture

  • Lipo Laser, 360 degrees, HD, Vibratory, Tumecent, Ultrasonic.


Physically healthy men and women.


You should wear a compression bandage or girdle for a month, in order to reduce inflammation and bruising.

You can return to your activities in three days after it.

Extreme physical activity and sun exposure are only allowed after one month.


Removes excess skin as well as fat deposits and stretch marks from the abdominal region.

Eliminate vertical scars from previous cesarean sections or previous abdominal surgeries

“Es el procedimiento cosmético que más frecuentemente se realizan las mujeres una vez que han terminado sus embarazos


It is performed by means of an epidural block and sedation with which the safety of the patient is guaranteed. The duration of the procedure is two to three hours.


They must be healthy and in good physical health. With a good diet and an adequate exercise routine.


You must keep relative rest for 1 week after surgery.

Avoid exercise and driving.

There is no need to remove stitches, as they dissolve over time, which reduces discomfort for the patient.


In Breast Augmentation implants are used that, due to their content, can be made of silicone or water and are presented in different shapes and sizes according to the needs of each woman.

“It is the plastic surgery that women are most frequently performed today and that entails the greatest increase in their self-esteem and self-image.”

Medical consultation

Your health will be assessed.

The most recommended Breast Augmentation for you will be explained, depending on the shape, size and condition of your breasts.

The risks and results you can expect will be discussed.

Blood tests will be ordered and indications will be given regarding certain medications and supplements.


All women can be candidates


The patient can carry out her daily activities on the third or fourth day later.

Exercise and extreme physical activities are limited to two to three weeks.


It is a procedure aimed at lifting the bust. Additionally, their size is also altered, either by decreasing or increasing their volume

“By lifting and increasing the volume of the breasts, patients feel more self-confident, increasing their confidence and self-esteem.”

Medical Consultation

Your health will be assessed.

The most recommended Breast Augmentation for you will be explained, depending on the shape, size and condition of your breasts.

The risks and results you can expect will be discussed.

Blood tests will be ordered and indications will be given regarding certain medications and supplements.


All women can be candidates


The result is immediate once the inflammation has decreased

The scars are imperceptible

The inconvenience is minimal

You can return to your daily activities in two to three weeks.


It is a procedure aimed at reducing the size of the bust.

“Most women are very satisfied by reducing the volume of the breasts; patients look slimmer and younger, improving their confidence and self-esteem.”

Medical Consultation

Your health will be assessed.

The most recommended Breast Augmentation for you will be explained, depending on the shape, size and condition of your breasts.

The risks and results you can expect will be discussed.

Blood tests will be ordered and indications will be given regarding certain medications and supplements.


All women can be candidates


The result is immediate once the inflammation has decreased

The scars are imperceptible

The inconvenience is minimal

You can return to your daily activities in two to three weeks.


Each person has the buttocks in a different way, there are glutes with adequate muscle toning, buttocks with an excess of adipose tissue, with a poor upper, middle or lower projection.

That is why the evaluation of the buttocks must be carried out together, to obtain an excellent body shaping.

“Buttock Augmentation is one of the most important parts of the body today (Buttock Augmentation). This area is vitally important for people, since firm and well-projected buttocks are desirable”.


  • With prosthesis
    The implant used in Buttock Augmentation is made of a cohesive silicone gel. It presents a greater resistance than that used in breast augmentation.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
    It consists of sucking fat from any part of the body (waist, thighs or back), and then injecting it into the buttock areas that need to be treated, through of a small incision.


It is through a query. In it, your health, weight, height and physical constitution will be evaluated to choose the most recommended technique.


The patient can carry out her daily activities on the third or fourth day later.

A special compression girdle will be worn for 1 month after surgery.

You should start with lymphatic drainage and ultrasound and diathermy massage sessions to reduce inflammation, calluses and accelerate the healing process.


The duration of this procedure is 2 hours and it is performed under an epidural block and is ambulatory, so the patient can return to convalesce at home or if she prefers.

“The calf implant is indicated for those who wish to increase the volume of their legs, which are too thin or thin. Many women refrain from wearing skirts, dresses or going out in a bathing suit due to the insecurity that them generates having thin legs that are not proportional to the rest of your body “.


During surgery, a small incision is made in the posterior crease of the knee in order to create a cavity through which the implant will be inserted. There are different shapes and sizes of calf implants, each one according to your height, weight and leg length


Physically healthy men and women.


The patient must refrain from taking a series of medications (aspirin, anti-inflammatory, and vitamins).

You must stop smoking for at least two weeks.

You must use the elastic stockings to finish the intervention.

You should keep your legs elevated and avoid walking for long periods during the first week.