
Rhinoplasty is the most perfect of plastic surgeries, since under ideal conditions, it is the only one that does not leave a visible scar. It is the surgery that most changes the personality of the patient who undergoes it. This is why it should not be taken lightly, since the changes it produces are sometimes too drastic. It is said that when someone sees us, they look us directly in the eye but in reality, the first thing that catches our eye is the nose.

Rhinoplasty can be aesthetic, functional, or both. In the first, the cosmetic defect is corrected while the second corrects the breathing problem. It is also classified as primary, if it is operated for the first time or secondary, if it has already been operated on some other occasion. Depending on the type of incision, it can be closed or open. In the first there is no visible scar, while the second leaves an almost imperceptible scar.

We must understand that the first thing is the function and then the form. That is, it is useless to leave a beautiful nose, if the patient has some kind of problem or difficulty breathing. Nasal surgery is one of the most requested by women, but men also request it with increasing frequency. The age from which they can be operated is from 15 or 16 years when the nasal growth has almost reached its end. In fact, the majority of patients who resort to this surgery do so as adolescents or young adults, since the defect is obvious and their desire for cosmetic surgery is clear and precise..

Beauty is subjective, that is, it is in the eyes of the observer. That is why a result can be seen in different ways, but the one that matters most is the perception that the patient has of himself, that is, his self-image. When the expectations that the patient has about the expected result exceed the ability of the plastic surgeon, it is better not to operate on such patients.

They are the patients who take photos of the office saying that they want to remain as this or that personality, those who have an unreal image of themselves, those who complain of minimal defects and those who are going through an emotional crisis.

They are not the best patients to undergo this type of procedure as their expectations can never be met.

A plastic surgeon makes his name not because of the patients he operates, but because of the ones he stops operating. It is better to spend a few minutes explaining why it is not an ideal candidate, to operate it and spend a few years, explaining why its result was not what was expected or desired.